Kristen Caron, MS, LPC, CDWF Button 1 Button 2


Contact Kristen Caron, LPC

In this group I will open with a prompt from Gifts of Imperfection™. You may choose to create based on the prompt, or create whatever your heart desires during our art time. This is a time of courage, compassion, and connection through creativity.

Every child is an artist.The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

Pablo Picasso

Drop-In Art Group Medford

Sign Up & Drop In

You may also register/pay at the Holistic Wellness Center at the time of group, however prepayment is advised to allow for a timely group start time.

Name E-mail Questions or Concerns? How did you hear about the drop-in Art Groups? What date would you like to attend?
Are you familiiar with The Gifts of Imperfecion by Dr. Brené Brown?
Yes, I've read the book!
No, is this a book?
Never heard of her.
I have a limited edition, signed copy.
I skimmed it.
I think I remember seeing her TedX talk
Sometimes the creative process can bring up iuncomfortable or challenging emotions. Do you have someone that you could speak with about this if it happens?
I want to be in the loop of awesome freebies and such!
Tell me about your retreats!
I'd like creativity tips!
I want brief and easy stress reduction and mental health tips because life is stressful, and free insights are good.
I understand that though this group may be therapeutic, this is not therapy.

Complete registration above,
then choose payment option below.